Home Fruits 45 Amazing Health Benefits of Papaya

45 Amazing Health Benefits of Papaya

Health Benefits of Papaya is really amazing and you should to aware it. Papaya is a fruit that is very easy to find, sweet and juicy make its as a good food for consumption in the summer. Also, papaya including rich fiber fruit and vitamin C. It is a strong reason you should to include papaya in your daily diet.

Papaya Nutrition Facts

Nutrition value on every 100g Fresh Papaya fruit (Carica papaya)
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA
Energy 43 Kcal 2%
Carbohydrates 8%
Protein 0.47 g 1%
Total Fat 0.26 g 1%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 1.70 g 4%
Folates 37 µg 9%
Niacin 0.338 mg 2%
Pantothenic acid 0.218 mg 4%
Pyridoxine 0.038 mg 3%
Riboflavin 0.027 mg 2%
Thiamin 0.023 mg 2%
Vitamin A 950 IU 32%
Vitamin C 60.9 mg 102%
Vitamin E 0.30 mg 2%
Vitamin K 2.6 µg 2%
Sodium 8 mg 0.5%
Potassium 182 mg 4%
Calcium 20 mg 2%
Iron 0.25 mg 3%
Magnesium 21 mg 5%
Phosphorus 10 mg 1%
Zinc 0.08 mg 0.5%
Carotene-ß 276 µg
Crypto-xanthin-ß 761 µg
Lutein-zeaxanthin 75 µg

Amazing Health Benefits of Papaya

1. Lowering Cholesterol

Avocado and Aloe Vera Juice for lowering cholesterol

Papaya is rich in vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants. With good content, papaya is useful for lowering cholesterol. So, its can keep you from various chronic diseases such as blood pressure and heart attacks.

2. Helps you lose weight

papaya health benefits for weight lose

If you want to lose weight, beside can take drinks to help lose weight, you can also add papaya in your diet. This delicious fruit is free of calories and high in fiber, as well as allow you to dispose of waste in your stomach through the digestive tract.

3. Enhance the immune

health benefits of papaya for immune system

The health benefits of papaya for immunity. As we know, papaya contains much vitamin C. So, the fruit could easily boost your immunity. One medium papaya provides up to 200% daily requirement of vitamin C.

4. Papaya is good for diabetics

health benefits of papaya for

Papaya have a sweet taste, but you no need to fear to diabetes because the fruit is low in sugar. in-spite of sweet the fruit no trigger for increasing high blood sugar.

5. Great for your eyes

health benefits of papaya

Papaya is load with vitamin A. Its for eye health because papaya is important to prevent you from disease-related to macular degeneration. Our body always need for vitamin A, so that the eye be healthy and look everything on our life.

6. Prevent rheumatism

health benefits of papaya for

Furthermore, health benefits of papaya is good for curing rheumatism. papaya with sweet taste is good for bone health and contains anti-inflammatory that beneficial for away from rheumatism. In a study in the “Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases” proves that a low intake of vitamin C in their lives are at risk of rheumatic disease three times more than you are always sufficient in vitamin C.

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7. Improves digestion

health benefits of papaya

Our lifestyle often leads to the unhealthy foods. The junk foods that often we enjoy every day is worst for health. This is a big mistake in lifestyle. However, eating papaya useful for repairing the bad habit. This fresh fruit contains papain enzyme that is beneficial to improve and enhance the quality of digestion. Also, the fiber content in papaya provide many health benefits for body.

8. Help menstrual pain

health benefits of papaya for menstrual pain

Women who experience pain when menstruation should try to eat papaya. The papain enzyme in papaya very surprising in regulate the menstrual blood flow and this is will helps to relieve the pain.

9. Prevent premature aging

health benefits of papaya for aging

Premature aging often occurs due to lifestyle or food consumed. Consuming foods full of chemicals will quickly give signs of aging. Conversely, eating healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables will slow down oxidation in the body. So, its keeps you stay looks younger.

The health benefits of papaya is gigantic in preventing premature aging. Vitamin C, beta carotene, antioxidants, and vitamin E in papaya is ready to help you to look younger by preventing effects of free radicals.

10. Prevent Cancer

health benefits of papaya for preventing cancer

Also, health benefits of papaya is amazing in preventing cancer. Papaya is filled with antioxidants, phytonutrients and flavonoids that Prevent your cells from undergoing free radical damage. There are also studies reveals that eating papaya regularly can prevent colon cancer and prostate cancer.

Health Benefits of Papaya Seeds

Health Benefits of Papaya Seeds – Papaya has a sweet taste and fresh. Consuming papaya fruit during the day gives freshness to throat and stomach. Unlike the case with papaya seeds that taste bitter, spicy and sharp. Almost everyone discard seeds and only consume papaya fruit flesh.

In fact, the benefits of papaya seeds really chocked you. Its seeds have properties and extraordinary health benefits that good for health. If you can resist the smell and taste of papaya seeds, then you can get the great health benefits of papaya seeds for the body.

Some Best Benefits of Papaya Seeds

Here are some health benefits of papaya seeds that you need to know.

Health Benefits of Papaya Seeds

11. Preventing parasitic infections in the digestive tract

Papaya contains proteolytic enzymes that are useful to prevent parasites and kills the parasite eggs in the abdomen. Proteolytic enzymes are also believed has beneficial for cleaning worms and other parasites in the digestive tract.

In papaya seeds also contain a unique anthelmintic alkaloid called campaign, this substance has been shown to be very effective in killing parasitic worms and amoebae.

12. Helps digestion

The content of papain enzyme in papaya seeds makes its well to cleanse the digestive tract.

13. Treating liver cirrhosis

Cirrhosis of the liver can appear due to drink alcohol for years, but can also be cause by other things. This defect is characterized by shrinking and hardening of the liver. In these circumstances, we can not treat the disease, because it can lead to many other health problems. However, the health benefits of papaya seeds are often relate to liver cirrhosis treatment.

How To Use
Destroy 5 dry papaya seeds by mashing. Combine the lemon juice as much as one tablespoon. To be safe, you should consult your doctor before.

14. Benefits of Papaya seed for gray hair

Papaya seed powder can also be utilized to eliminate gray hair on the head. The way is by smooth the papaya seeds that have been dried. Use regularly when bathing and shampooing as usual, then rinse with clean water.

Side effects:
The seeds have now been develop as a natural ingredient to overcoming various health complaints. However, you must be careful also to the seeds because in some conditions are advised to not consume it, such as when pregnant.

15. Good for Getting Rid of Cancer

Papaya seeds are rich in anti-oxidants derived from fenolic and flavonoids. Both of these compounds play an important role in preventing the growth of cancer cells.

In addition, the content of phytonutrient isothiocyanate is known to prevent colon cancer, prostate, lung and breast cancer.

16. Remove toxins in the liver

In Chinese medicine has been using papaya seeds to treat liver damage for centuries ago. Papaya seeds are effective to remove toxins in the liver.

It is reported that papaya seeds are excellent for those with liver damage (liver cirrhosis). One tablespoon of papaya seeds every day is good for removing toxins from the liver. However, during treatment you should change lifestyles such as leaving alcohol and harmful foods such as instant noodles.

17. Remove toxins in the kidneys

In addition to detoxify the liver, health benefits of papaya seeds are also powerful as a natural remedy to remove toxins in the kidneys. Papaya seeds contain good anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to keep the kidneys from inflammation due to toxins.

18. Treating inflammatory diseases

Just like the benefits of papaya fruit, papaya seeds are also rich anti-inflammatory that can cure diseases caused by inflammation. Among them are arthritis, gout, joint pain, and asthma.

Papain and cymopapain are the two most important enzymes in papaya seeds that are useful for reducing inflammation.

19. Lowering blood pressure

Laboratory test results show that papaya seed is very good for the treatment of heart disease. Carpain compounds in papaya fruit and papaya seeds are very effective for lowering diastonic blood pressure, and systolic.


For those of you who can consume papaya seeds for treatment purpose. Preferably do not consume it continuously for weeks.

See also: Health benefits of sunflower seeds

Health Benefits of Papaya Leaves

health benefits of papaya leaves

Papaya is a tropical plant that can grow up to 30 meters. Papaya is excellent for health, even all the parts including roots, trees, leaves, papaya fruit. They are have many medical value. This plant was native from Mexico and later expanded through the world, throughout the tropics.

Papaya leaves are usually made into a salad or eaten with chili sauce, bitter taste of papaya leaves has a magnificent health value. Before we look at the health benefits of papaya leaves, let us know what are the nutrients in the papaya.

Papaya leaf nutrient content

  • Vitamin B, A, C, D, E
  • Calcium

The content is extremely beneficial to cardiovascular disease, cancer and anti-oxidants that fight free radicals that enter the body.

Papaya Leaf Benefits

Beside papaya seeds benefits, we also get the benefits from its leaves. The papaya leaves that have a bitter taste give us a myriad health benefits. For those of you who do not like the taste, you need to consider the health benefits of papaya leaves below.

20. Anti-cancer

Papaya leaves are bitter, but the benefits are enormous. Papaya leaves have anti-cancer properties. As a study in the Journal Ethnopharmacology report that papaya leaf juice can fight cancer and boost immunity to various chronic diseases. These are such as cervical cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer. Papaya leaves and another bitter leaf is excellent indeed to expel the cancer cells in the body. The juice of this leave have beneficial to remove toxins in the body that could become cancerous.

21. Inhibit the growth of bacteria

The health benefits of papaya leave in inhibiting the growth of bacteria is amazing at all. It is known that the leaves of papaya contain more than 50 active ingredients including karpain compounds that inhibit the growth of microorganisms such as fungi, worms, parasites, bacteria and various forms of cancer cells.

The health benefits of papaya leaves can also keep the intestines. Tannin content in papaya leaves can block the growth of worms, and blocking worms attach to intestinal wall.

22. Increase Body Immunity

Furthermore, health benefits of papaya leaves are as a drug to boost the body’s immunity. Papaya leaf juice can fight viral infections such as the common cold virus. Its will perform the regeneration of white blood cells and platelets naturally.

23. Anti-Malaria

This leave also known as anti-malaria leaves. So, the benefits of Papaya leaves are effective in preventing malaria symptoms. The bitter taste of papaya leaves will quickly repel malaria virus. If you are attack from malaria, grab some papaya and makes it as a juice, drink well, and see the results.

24. Prevention of Dengue

Dengue fever also can get million health benefits of papaya leaves. This disease is a deadly one that caused by dengue virus or Aides mosquitoes. It is can be fatal, because so far there is no explicit drug for this disease. The painkillers drug such as aspirin and ibuprofen have its side effects, so not good to take it for curing dengue.

Papaya leaf juice is the traditional method to cure dengue fever with no side effects. Scientific research has shown that papaya leaf extract contains the papain enzyme that useful to increase platelets. Pharmaceutical companies are already using papaya extract preparations in capsules and liquid formulas.

Read: foods to increase number of platelets

25. Reduce menstrual pain

This women problem has long been solved with papaya leaves. Papaya leaf juice is very effective in reducing menstrual pain. You can boil the leaves as medicine. Take 1 papaya leave, add tamarind and salt, mixed with a glass of water and bring to a boil. Drink this concoction during menstruation period.

26. Increase Platelets

Another health benefit is increase platelets. For those of you who have problems with low platelets, you can use papaya leaf juice as a natural herb. Research around the world has reveal that papaya leaf is very effective in increasing the platelet count rapidly. Especially for cases of vitamin deficiency, were chemotherapy, dengue fever and others.

Read: Health benefits of guava for dengue fever

27. Prevent Cataracts

Papaya leaves is very important to prevent cataracts due to million nutrient within. Among them are vitamin A and vitamin C that has a huge role in providing the useful for eye.

28. Emphysema

Then, papaya leaves useful for treating emphysema. Its a lot of vitamin D that can prevent the occurrence of disease-related emphysema lungs.

These are nine health benefits of papaya leaves you should know. Bitter taste in papaya leaves may be a problem but you must know the health benefits of this leave. The huge benefits is more worth than the taste. Last one, Do not forget to plant papaya trees beside your house, because its advantage can help you any time.

Papaya Leaf Benefits for Medical Therapy

Benefits of papaya leave for medical therapy. Papaya is a plant that is easy to grow, especially in the tropics. Papaya is usually grown for its fruit. However, not only the fruit is beneficial but in almost all parts of the papaya tree is beneficial to health. Later we will see some tremendous benefits of papaya leaves.

Papaya fruit is very familiar with sweetness and a variety of health benefits. But that does not mean no one was talking about the leaves. Papaya leaves have unexpected benefits especially to have values and drug therapy. It makes papaya very desirable to treat dengue. Wait! Not only for dengue but has wider benefits, the following benefits of papaya leave for medical therapy!

The Papaya Leave for Medical Therapy Uses

benefits of papaya leave
Increasing platelits

29. Increase the number of platelets

One benefits of papaya leave is increased platelets. It has been observed in many animals. The result is that papaya leaf extracts well for improving human red blood cells and is good for blood circulation.

Because papaya can increase platelets, the leaf is most popularly used for treating dengue fever.

30. Prevents different types of cancer

Papaya leaf extract is also believed to have the anti-tumor. It would be useful to prevent and delay the development of certain types of cancer. Preventing immunosuppressants and allergic disorders.

31. Boost immunity

As the Jeraa water benefits, papaya leaf extract is also beneficial to boost immunity therapy. Papaya leaves contain antioxidant compounds that act as immunostimulants useful for reducing oxidative stress and improving vital organs health such as kidneys, liver, and stomach lining.

32. Get rid of constipation

Papaya fruit is very beneficial for constipation either raw or cooked. Papaya helps bowel movements, so it is easy to pull out the remaining food in the body.

33. Treat prostate problems

Benefits of papaya leaves for medical therapy is as a healer variety of prostate problems. Anticancer in papaya is beneficial to delay the formation of prostate cancer and prostate enlargement problems.

Those are some benefits of papaya leaves for medical therapy, hopefully, this short article useful for all. Do not ignore to share via Facebook or Twitter.

Benefits and Risks of Papaya for Women

We all love glossy skins, good bowel moment but shiver at the mention of cancer. Well, papaya is a wonder fruit in the midst of all female insecurities. Preeminently, papaya improves skin, relieves digestion, fights cancer and shields your eye and heart from possible disease.

Due to a high antioxidant concentration, papaya may help reduce the chances of developing cancer. Eating papaya regularly prevents colon cancer. Sounds a like good idea to add papaya to your salad, isn’t it?

Papaya Benefits and Side Effects for Women

Benefits and Risks of Papaya for Women

Some Benefits for Women

Why do you think people are into papaya facial treatment?

Papaya is a woman’s best shield against wrinkles and aging. It contains vitamin C, E, and carotenoids. These elements protect your skin against aging radicals. The papain enzyme works its magic wand by breaking down dead skin cells thus elevating the body appearance.

Papaya contains 48 times the amount of vitamin C than a single apple. Hence, papaya removes toxins from the body consequently refreshing your skin. Other papaya enzymes encourage skin metabolism.

Papaya treatments enhance skin texture, elasticity, and appearance. Papaya can treat eczema and psoriasis while the peels are good for making facial and skin rubs. Moreover, papaya aids healing of wounds, burns, acne, blemishes, and age spots. The properties of healing enzymes help treat sunburn and irritated skin.

If you love spending time indoors, papayas are good for your skin; they fight free radicals that age you.

34. Heart disease prevention

Including papaya in your diet is beneficial to your heart. In particular, the papaya seed is good for the heart. Having three powerful vitamins A, C, and E, which are oxidants, papayas prevent atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease.

The abundance of potassium in papaya should not be taken for granted. Potassium regulates body fluids thus controls the flow of blood under normal pressure. The potassium also regulates the effects of excess sodium in the body. Moreover, papayas are rich in fiber and contain zero cholesterol. In this way, papaya fights off various heart diseases.

35. Menstrual problem

The discomfort and pain associated with menstruation can reach astronomical levels in some women. If measured, these pains could be calibrated on some sort of a ‘Richter scale’. (Atta girl! It takes a superwoman to endure this level of pain). Papaya leaves are handy at this time when the body does its monthly maintenance. Papaya stabilizes menstrual irregularities, eases cramp and promotes a regular flow of menses. Drinking a mixture of papaya leaves with tamarind, salt and water is a remedy for torrid pain.

How does consumption of green papayas normalize irregularities of the periodic cycle? Known as ‘hot food’, papayas aid production body heat. Excessive production of heat in the body stimulates estrogen hormones that control the cycles.  Therefore, papayas are beneficial in handling difficult menses.

36. Protects your hair

Papaya strengthens your hair and controls dandruff. Most shampoos and hair treatments with papaya fly off the supermarket shelves. There is heavy marketing for papaya based hair products. This is because papaya softens hair, and gives hairs natural sheen.

A papaya smoothie for breakfast or hair mask makes your dry hair looked nourished and beautiful. Mix ½ cup of plain yogurt and a skinned papaya. Apply this paste on your hair and let sit for at least 45 minutes. Then rinse it off. Use the hair mask once a week

37. Prenatal and postnatal

Taking a slice of papaya fruit can relieve nausea and morning sickness in pregnant women. Papaya is safe to eat as it is a rich source of vitamins and nutrients.

During lactation, papaya helps the growth of women’s breast. The medium hormone and vitamin A in papaya stimulate female hormones to produce more milk for lactating mothers.

38. Acne and burns

Got acne or burn? Use papaya. Latex found in papaya treats areas of the skin affected by acne. Acne mask is created from the fleshy side of the papaya skin.

A papaya infused diet will work against acne internally, making your skin clear. When Papaya latex is applied to the burnt area, it clears the burnt marks

39. Anti-inflammation

Papaya contains good enzymes like Papain and Chymopapain that reduce body inflammations. High concentration of carotenoids in papaya can reduce inflammation. Remember chronic inflammations cause many diseases.

Papaya Side Effects for Women

Health Benefits of Papaya

There are certain risks associated with papaya consumption

– Pregnancy

Unripe papaya contains concentrated latex, which stimulates uterine contraction. This can lead to miscarriage. Unripe papaya acts like oxytocin and prostaglandin thus can initiate labor. Unripe papayas are used in synthetic form to induce labor contractions. If you are trying to get pregnant, avoid eating papaya at all costs.

With these dire effects, this magical fruit may be used for contraception. It can be used to prevent pregnancies.

– Gastrointestinal irritation

Consuming too much papaya causes a powerful laxative effect in the innards. Furthermore, consuming unripe papayas cause too much pain in the intestines. In extreme incidents, papaya causes esophageal perforations.

– Papaya Seed

Papaya seeds contain traces of carpine enzyme, which is a possibly toxic substance. The potential effects of carpine are devastating. It can make nerves numb leading to cardiac depression or paralysis. Carpine also can lead to the constriction of blood vessels.

Reasons Why Papaya Seeds are Powerful for Health

40. Treating Ameobiasis

It is a chronic stomach disease that makes sufferers are not resistant the pain and diarrhea. Ameobiosis is caused by a virus called Entamoeba histolytica. Treating this disease can be done by consuming papaya seed extract as much as 0.1 ml/day. Thus the results of a study published in the International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies.

41. Reduce the risk of cancer

Furthermore, the health benefits of papaya seeds is as a natural remedy to prevent cancer. A study in 2004 reported that the extract of papaya seeds are rich in anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and cyctoprotective. It mean that papaya seeds are rich of flavonoid content. The research result shows that between flavonoids and cancer have an inverse correlation. So, the papaya seeds can kill cancer cells or prevent cancer.

42. Increase body immunity

Papaya seeds are also believed to be a natural remedy for strengthening the body from various dangers. Indeed, substances that contribute to boost immunity in papaya seeds is unknown, but the simulator immune and anti-inflammatory known to provide immunity to infection.

While on the other hand there is a study that says that papaya seed extract is also used as a nutritional supplement to improve the body’s performance.

43. Acting as an antibacterial agent

Papaya seeds often becomes a natural ingredient in overcoming a variety of diseases both infectious or not. Why is that? Papaya seeds contain powerful anti-bacterial that beneficial to inhibit the growth of bacteria in the body such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa

44. Prevent virus infection

Benefits of papaya seeds too powerful in overcoming the problem of viral infection. It is thanks to their anti-virus into papaya seeds.

Costa Rica has long used papaya seeds as a cure for dengue infections. Dengue fever is a disease caused by a mosquito, the disease is characterized by the disappearance of a number of platelets. (Read: Food to increase platelets)

45. Troubleshooting parasite

Furthermore, the health benefits of papaya seeds is to overcome the parasite. Papaya seeds contain many alkaloids “carpaine” that would kill the worms and parasites. Papaya is a healthy fruit that helps break down proteins so digestion becomes a dangerous place to parasites live.

A study showed that consuming the juice of papaya seeds for 7 days helpful to expel parasites to 75% in Nigeria.

46. Kidney disease

Another benefit of papaya seeds is to treat kidney disease. A study conducted at the University of Karachi reported that papaya seeds can be used for kidney problems and even kidney failure.