Home Foods Super Foods that Raise Cholesterol (HDL)

Super Foods that Raise Cholesterol (HDL)

Foods that Raise Cholesterol – The Cholesterol is a metabolite that containing sterol fat, it is found in the membrane cell and circulated in the blood plasma. There are two kinds of cholesterol; there is good cholesterol (High-Density Lipoproteins cholesterol) and low-density lipoproteins.

There are many Foods that Raise Cholesterol in the body. One of them is with aerobic exercise and eat healthy foods or vegetables. With the high level of HDL cholesterol in the body so that LDL cholesterol can dissolve. Normal cholesterol levels in the body is 160-200 mg.

Here are some foods that raise cholesterol in body as quoted from various sources.

Super Foods that Raise Cholesterol, HDL

Super Foods that Raise Cholesterol1. Olive oil

Olives contain healthy oils, it is reported that this healthy oil is able to lower LDL so that it is healthy for the heart.

To get the most out of olive oil, try cooking with virgin olive oil instead of high-fat or saturated oils. However this should be for cooking at low temperatures. If for dishes that require high temperatures, extra virgin olive oil cannot be used because it will be damaged.

So, use extra virgin olive oil to make sauces, salads, or to season cooked foods.

2. Legumes

Legumes contain seeds that are rich in fiber and good for our health because they can increase good cholesterol. In addition, legumes contain fiber, B vitamins, folate, which are good for heart health.

You can get this benefit from consuming several types of legumes such as: Black beans, kidney beans, peas, and lentils.

3. Whole Grains

Whole Grains as superfood to rise cholesterolFoods that are beneficial for increasing HDL or good cholesterol include whole grains. Among these grains are oats, rye or rye, barley, cereals, brown rice and quinoa. These foods also lower LDL levels.

This is because these foods are rich in fiber, including soluble fiber. You can consume this food as much as two servings a day, or a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. During lunch, consume 100% whole wheat bread and at dinner you can consume brown rice.

A diet like this will increase HDL and by itself causes bad cholesterol (LDL) to decrease from the bloodstream so it is healthy for the heart.

4. Oranges

Is a kind of healthy citrus fruit that is rich in nutrients and vitamins? According to experts, drinking orange juice regularly can increase good cholesterol in the body.

5. Avocado

Avocado as super food that rise cholesterolAvocado is a fruit that has tremendous health benefits. avocado can be a solution to increase good cholesterol or HDL.

Avocado fruit contains many nutrients such as vitamin B6, fiber, monounsaturated fat, potassium, and more. With increasing levels of good cholesterol, LDL cholesterol will decrease it self.

6. Peanuts

The next Foods that Raise Cholesterol are peanuts. Peanuts are very good grains for our health. Besides containing vegetable fats, this grain also very high in protein, iron, calcium and more.

7. Olive oil

The oil comes from olives. Olive oil is one of very healthy oil for consumption. The content of antioxidants in olive oil become important in blocking the entry of bad cholesterol.

8. Yogurt

Yogurt also foods that raise cholesterol. Yogurt is a healthy food that produced through the bacterial fermentation process. The health benefits of yogurt are very large, such as increasing HDL and lowering LDL cholesterol.

9. Grapes

The health benefits of grapes are immense. Besides preventing cancer, the grapes that consumed regular can also be foods that raise cholesterol in the body.

The content of anti-oxidants, vitamins A, C, calcium can prevent problems that associated to coronary heart disease. Moreover, the wine is also useful for increasing HDL cholesterol in the body.

10. Fatty fish

Fatty fish, food that rise cholesterolFurthermore, foods that can increase good cholesterol are fish, see the health benefits of fish. Especially high-fat fish because fish fat is healthy and delicious fat.

Certain fish also contain omega 3 fatty acids, this can lower LDL which will raise HDl by itself. Below we list some foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids, including:

Well, to get the optimal benefits from this food, try consuming the fish we mentioned two servings every week (at least). If you don’t like fish, then consult your doctor to get enough omega 3 fatty acids.

11. Avocado

Avocados are a super food that is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and rich in folate. These healthy fats are good for lowering Low Density Lippo-protein (LDL), meaning that consuming avocados is good for reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, heart disease, and other heart diseases.

The fiber in avocado is also quite a lot so it helps control cholesterol. Consuming avocados can be eaten raw, juiced or added to salads.

12. Soybean

Soybeans are also included in healthy Foods that Raise Cholesterol (HDL), you can consume these foods as a substitute for meat.

Cutting back on meat can cause LDL to decrease and HDL levels to increase.